Fisackerlay History, Family Crest & Coats of ArmsEtymology of FisackerlayWhat does the name Fisackerlay mean? The name Fisackerlay belongs to the early history of Britain, it's origins lie with the Anglo-Saxons. It is a product of their having lived in Fazakerley, Lancashire. Richard Fizacre, Fishacre, Fissakre, or Fishakle (d. 1248), was an early Dominican divine, and is said to have been a native of Devonshire. "Fishacre in his old age became a Dominican; but as he and Robert Bacon continued to read divinity lectures for several years after entering the order in the schools of St. Edward, his entry can hardly be dated later than 1240." 1 Early Origins of the Fisackerlay familyThe surname Fisackerlay was first found in Lancashire at Fazakerley a township, in the parish of Walton-on-the-Hill, union and hundred of West Derby, S. division of the county of Lancaster, 4 or so miles from Liverpool, The township comprises 1565 acres, all are arable as noted in 1321, Fazakerley was described as: the country is extremely flat and treeless, with nothing to recommend it to the passer-by, for it seems to be a district of straight lines, devoid of any beauty. "This place was long the residence of an ancient family of the same name, of whom Richard Fazakerley was living in the reign of Henry III.; they intermarried with the families of Walton of Walton, Blundell of Crosby, and Pemberton." 2 Some of the family held estates at early times at Walton-On-The-Hill. "In the reign of Henry IV. the Fazakerleys acquired the third part of Walton, including Spellawe or Spellow House, by marriage with an heiress of the Waltons; this estate was held by the late Colonel Fazakerley, and was sold by his family to the Earl of Derby." 2 "The variant Phizackerley is found only, I believe, in the Furness district of North Lancashire. "3 Early rolls listed Henry de Fasakerlegh in the Assize Rolls for Lancashire in 1276 and Roger Fazakerley of Fazakerley in 1394. 4 Early History of the Fisackerlay familyThis web page shows only a small excerpt of our Fisackerlay research. Another 131 words (9 lines of text) covering the years 1394, 1582, 1600, 1621, 1631, 1647, 1650, 1767 and 1792 are included under the topic Early Fisackerlay History in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible. Fisackerlay Spelling VariationsUntil the dictionary, an invention of only the last few hundred years, the English language lacked any comprehensive system of spelling rules. Consequently, spelling variations in names are frequently found in early Anglo-Saxon and later Anglo-Norman documents. One person's name was often spelled several different ways over a lifetime. The recorded variations of Fisackerlay include Fazackerley, Fazakerley and others. Early Notables of the Fisackerlay familyAnother 40 words (3 lines of text) are included under the topic Early Fisackerlay Notables in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible. Migration of the Fisackerlay familyThousands of English families boarded ships sailing to the New World in the hope of escaping the unrest found in England at this time. Although the search for opportunity and freedom from persecution abroad took the lives of many because of the cramped conditions and unsanitary nature of the vessels, the opportunity perceived in the growing colonies of North America beckoned. Many of the settlers who survived the journey went on to make important contributions to the transplanted cultures of their adopted countries. The Fisackerlay were among these contributors, for they have been located in early North American records: James Fawzakerley who settled in New York State in 1820.