Debello History, Family Crest & Coats of ArmsEarly Origins of the Debello familyThe surname Debello was first found in the city of Verona, where earliest records are found in 1279 with Vivaldo and Filippo Bellanda, city councilors, and with the Bellani family who were well in known for their peace-making efforts. Jacobus de Belviso (c. 1270-1335) was an Italian jurist from Bologna. Early History of the Debello familyThis web page shows only a small excerpt of our Debello research. The years 1370, 1418, 1435, 1475, 1552, 1588, 1595, 1598, 1601, 1610, 1616, 1620, 1654, 1656, 1661, 1664, 1670, 1726, 1813 and 1820 are included under the topic Early Debello History in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible. Debello Spelling VariationsItalian surnames come in far more variations than the names of most other nationalities. Regional traditions and dialects are a decisive factor in this characteristic. For example, northern names tend to end in "o", while southern in "i". Also important, but not unique to Italy, was the fact that before dictionaries and the printing press most scribes simply spelled words according to their sounds. The predictable result was an enormous number of spelling variations. The recorded spellings of Debello include Belli, Bello, Bella, De Bello, De Belli, Debelli, De Bei, De Bellis, Di Bello, Lo Bello, Lobello, Lubello, Lubelli, La Bella, Labella, Bellavista, Bellido, Bellardi, Bellezza, Bellone, Bellarmini, Bellacati, Bellacera, Bellelli, Belleli, Belle, Belletti, Bellettini, Bellini, Bellino, Bellin, Belluzzi, Bellocci, Bellozzi, Bellotti, Belotti, Bellotto, Bellotta, Belloni, Bellacci, Bellaccini, Ballacchini, Bellazzi, Bellami, Bellemo, Bellen, Bellandi, Bellani, Bellano, Bellan, Bellardo, Bellasi, Bellati, Bellato, Belliato, Bellero, Belleri, Belleschi, Bellesi, Belligi, Bellisi, Bellugi, Belluschi, Belushi, Bellussi, Bellutti, Bellutta, Bellassai, Bellantonio, Bellantoni, Bellantone, Bellantuone, Bellocchio, Bellocchi, Bellebuono, Bellobuono, Bellabuono, Bellomo, Belluomo, Begliuomini and many more. Early Notables of the Debello familyProminent among members of the family was Gualtieri di Bellante, a Baron and castle owner in Abruzzo in the 13th century. Members of the Belloni family in Venice were noblemen, knights, military captains, and politicians around the same time. Tommaso Bellacci, a monk in Florence was born in 1370. Bartolomeo Bellano, born in Padua in 1435, was a sculptor. Lucio Bellanti was a doctor and astrologer in Siena around 1475. Andrea Bellanti was a nobleman and banker in Siena in the 15th century. Alvise Bellacati was a famous doctor in Padua. Giovanni Bellacera was Baron of Regalmigieri in 1418. Ottone Belloni... Migration of the Debello familyEarly North American immigration records have revealed a number of people bearing the name Debello or a variant listed above: Antonio Bello, who arrived in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1779; Antonio Bella, who arrived in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1785; and Gireham Bellavista who arrived in Philadelphia in 1860..