Show ContentsHunsucker History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms

Etymology of Hunsucker

What does the name Hunsucker mean?

The surname Hunsucker is thought to be a local name; that is, a surname taken on from an existing place name. There is a Hundseck in Germany near the Schwartwald (Black Forest), or the name may have come from a place name in Switzerland.

Early Origins of the Hunsucker family

The surname Hunsucker was first found in Switzerland. Most believe the name originated in the small village of Hunzingen (today called Hunzikon, just east of Geuensee, Canton Lucernea.)

Early History of the Hunsucker family

This web page shows only a small excerpt of our Hunsucker research. Another 92 words (7 lines of text) covering the years 1497 and 1722 are included under the topic Early Hunsucker History in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible.

Hunsucker Spelling Variations

Spelling variations of this family name include: Hunsinger, Hunzinger, Huntzinger, Huntschingen, Hunsingen, Hunzingen, Huntzingen, Huntschinger, Hinsingen, Hinsinger, Hinschinger, Hinschingen, Hintschingen, Hintschinger, Hunziker, Hunziken, Huntziker, Huntziken, Hunzinker, Hunsiken, Hunzicker, Hunzicken, Huntzicker, Huntzicken, Hunsicker, Hunsicken, Hunsiner, Hunsener, Hunsicer, Hunsecer, Hunseker, Hunsiker and many more.

Early Notables of the Hunsucker family

More information is included under the topic Early Hunsucker Notables in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible.

Hunsucker Ranking

In the United States, the name Hunsucker is the 13,751st most popular surname with an estimated 2,487 people with that name. 1

Migration of the Hunsucker family

Some of the first settlers of this family name or some of its variants were: Valentin Hunsicker, who settled in Pennsylvania in 1729. Hartman and Martin Hunsecker arrived in Philadelphia in 1731; as did Johannes Hunsiner in 1732.

Contemporary Notables of the name Hunsucker (post 1700) +

  • Louis S. Hunsucker Jr., (1934-2021), American poker player who won the 8th WSOP No Limit Hold'em tournament in 1977
  • Harry “The Hurricane” Hunsucker (b. 1989), American professional fighter in the UFC heavyweight division

  1. "What are the 5,000 Most Common Last Names in the U.S.?"., on Facebook