
Coat of Arms Symbolism - No Background

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England England


  • Custom symbolism analysis includes symbols and colors of your coat of arms
  • 8 1/2" x 11"
  • Compliments our Coat of Arms print


What does your Coat of Arms mean?

Custom symbolism analysis includes symbols and colors of your coat of arms.

Did you know that the color Gold, or in heraldic terms "or," was considered the noblest color? One of only two metals used in heraldry, it exceeds all others in value, purity, and finesse. It represents the light of the sun and was once borne only by princes. Gold is said to gladden the heart and destroy all works of magic. It is also associated with excellence and achievement, and the bearer surpasses all others in valor. 


  • Availability: In Stock
  • Size: 8 1/2 x 11 inches
  • Additional Copies: $4.00 each

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  • Basic Shipping: 5 - 10 business days.
  • Rush Shipping: 4 - 6 or 2 - 3 business day options.

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